Well, the hats have always won, as far as I'm concerned. (Yes, I am a word nerd and can't resist a pun.)
It was supposed to rain all weekend. But when we woke up Saturday morning, there was no rain. There was gloom, and damp ground, but no precipitation was at that moment precipitating. Just anticipation of precipitation.
The rule chez nous about such occasions is we simply take the hats to Market and hope for the best. So this is what we did, and a kind universe rewarded us with a relatively dry and warm outing.
Not much foot traffic, however. It was very foggy and gloomy, if not actually rainy, and most people seemed to have chosen to stay in. Which is really their loss, because today, Sunday, is way wetter and colder.
Only one photo this week: Hailey, who was in town to compete in a hockey tournament. A jock, and a fashionista! Well-balanced child. Doesn't she look excellent in her sunny new hat?
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