Millinery II classes have wrapped at George Brown College. They just flew by. Considering there were half as many as we had for Millinery I, I guess this is not surprising. For this course we made three hats in seven weeks; last fall we made five hats in thirteen weeks.
It was fantastic to be back in Lori Bond's classroom with so many people from last fall's Millinery I. We had other people from other classes, too, for added jolliness. We have a wonderful camaraderie. We inspire and admire each other. It's a treat to be surrounded by so much talent. And occasional Crispers.
Hey! Tierre Taylor, classmate and photographer, took some photos at our last class. Look for our mugs and hats in the August 1 edition of the midtown (Annex, anyway) edition of Snap magazine.
Two courses down, one to go!
Here is a picture of my first hat for this course. I was going for a Korean conical hat meets a Belgian nun as interpreted by Cristobal Balenciaga. Or something. It's strangely flattering to wear.