Here is my micro-collection of Gatsby-inspired feathery fascinators. Inspired by a story, they pretty much insisted on being staged. So I gathered some era-appropriate props and created my set.
The props come with their own stories. My grandmother's photo album is full of souvenirs from the jazz age. The silver cigarette case belonged to my grandfather. My bestest friend Heather gave me this awesome beaded purse yonks ago. The long string of pearls were a present from my mother, from the time of the Robert Redford Gatsby movie. (I was a toddler at the time. Winky-face.) The Tiffany lamp is a total fake, but we bought it at a defunct local store and it seems to belong in the shot. And the dead soldier of a Dom Perignon bottle is hiding its true vintage. Just pretend we found it floating in Gatsby's pool the morning after.
Here are the individual fascinators:

If you're going to a Gatsby-themed party or event this summer, one of these will set your head a-flutter. And get other turning. It's a tiny limited edition, so please contact me about prices and availability.
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