The beginning of May means the tents are back up next to the North Market building, and so am I. Thus beginneth my fourth season selling my hats outside St. Lawrence Market in downtown Toronto. Did you know that National Geographic voted it the best farmers' market in the
world? Imagine that! I am happy and proud to shamelessly latch onto whatever lustre proximity affords me, and to contribute my own, such as it is.
(Oif, what a sentence. Please forgive me.)
The last two Saturdays have seen lovely weather. Yesterday especially was simply gorgeous. It's great to see my crafty friends again, like Salome, sassy queen of jewelry makers, and Roberto and Stephen, the photographers. And Maria and France and Marjorie and Sky and Mark and on and on.
The season got off to an auspicious start. It's always so encouraging to sell something right away, especially a new design. Thanks to Kathy, I did just that. The rest of the first day was fine, and the second Saturday was really great! Let's hope the weather co-operates for the rest of the season. Rather important when you work outside and your merchandise is textile.
On with the photos:
Salome looms large amongst craft vendors of the north Market. |
Kathy, first customer of the year, in her new pink Trilby. I dyed it myself. I could dye for you, too. |
The Lemonbucket Orkestra, klezmer-ing it up for money to travel to Romania. Very fun and very loud. |
The Samba Squad, making their way east along Front Street. Every day is Buskerfest at St. Lawrence Market.
First wedding party photo of the season. Such pretty colours! |
Roberto in the hat I made for him.
Pat Taylor, first customer of May 12. |
Christine, in one of her two new hats. |
Leelee playing dressup.
And along came Linda Chamberlain, trainee clown, teacher of bongos to the young, and lover of pink. I suggested she might like this pink organza hairband and she agreed. I further suggested she might feel an affinity for this pink Trilby, and she further agreed. Then she went in search of the lady clown pictured above. I hope they found one another. Thanks, Linda!
I like the pink Trilbys!