I was in Windsor, Ontario yesterday with the indispensable Scott to offer my millinery work for sale to the people who populate Windsor Regional Hospital. It was their annual Hats On For Healthcare event where organizations in the community are invited to donate a toonie to the cause and wear a hat to show their support for the hospital. The funds collected support the many programs at the hospital, from pre-natal care to cancer treatment. Schools, businesses and so on sign on and have fun wearing their (mostly silly, as in the action shot above) hats for the day.
This is the first year the hospital decided to invite makers of hats to participate. I was lucky to have been invited, and was mentioned on a local website! Rose Harper was my hall-mate with her colourful, cozy, woolly toques and accessories for kids. Friendly, cheerful Rose is a regular at the hospital's sales events, and she seemed to know everyone who came her way. We had a good time together.
We weren't the only game in town. There was musical entertainment and a reading of (what else?) The Cat in the Hat. When we were setting up, a fellow came by who looked awfully familiar. He said, "Do you remember me?" I was busy thinking of where and when I'd seen him before. I knew it was more recently than my last visit to the city, but before I could place him he told me it had been just last night. He'd helped us at the LCBO where he works! (No, I wasn't hung over. I'm just naturally vacant.) Dave Scott is his name, he played a just-right assortment of hits from my youth, and he and my Scott (who is a musician, too) talked guitars for a while.
I like Windsor. I've enjoyed my visits every time (okay, all of twice) I've been there. Everyone I meet is very nice and very helpful. Yesterday was like that. From the security desk at the entrance to the ladies of the public relations and development office to the medical staff, patients and visitors who came my way, it was all good.
Of course, at a hospital and not everything is always good. One of my customers had just come from hearing bad news. It was a sad and sobering moment. I hope his new hat brings him luck and pleasure.
I'm just sorry I didn't hear the lullabies. Rose told me they're played over the PA system each time a baby is born. Rose heard a few, but I didn't know about them in time to listen for them amid the hubbub of the day, so I missed them. Maybe lots of hospitals do this, but it was news to me. Charming news.
And so the big circle of life wheels on.

My sunny neighbour, Rose, and part of her table.

Two ladies in un-ironic hats. Yay! Even though they're not my hats, I appreciate the millinery love.

Amanda! She wanted to look like a private eye or an old-timey reporter. (And me without my "Press" card for the hat band. Nertz.)

Gisele, in her new chapeau en noir et argent. (Get me, such a polyglot.) Tres charmante.

His name is Earl and he looks wonderful in his new loden felt with the jazzy feathers.

What's wrong with this picture? That Sandy did not take this perfect-for-her hat home with her.

Diana left this one behind, too, but she said she was a cousin of Jesse James so I didn't want to press and risk riling her.
Last time I was in Windsor, I learned a friend there was a cousin of Al Capone. I wonder who'll be whose cousin next time?

Bev looked lovely in her perfect choice of fascinator, too, but I seem to be missing her photo. Sorry, Bev!
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