Once again the doggies descended in droves upon Front Street last Saturday for Woofstock 2011. Established in 2003, it's like a kind of Ex for pooches and the people who love them. People bring their dogs who may be all dressed up, or au naturel (the dogs, not the people; clothing remained mandatory for humans) to meet and greet, mix and mingle, and do things dogs and people like to do together. You could even have your dog's DNA tested! It's an extremely adorable event. Scott and I loves us some pooches, so we have a lovely time kissing and patting and squealing with glee.
One of my recent customers came by to tell me how much he likes his cap, and of the good comments he's had in it. Always a pleasure to hear some positive feedback!
The weather very kindly co-operated, which was a huge relief after last week's deluge.
And Woofstock gives us lots of extra photo ops! Here's this week's album:

Many have played with this colourful creation, but Helen is the one who made it hers.

Dorothy selected one of my new sinamay and feather fascinators to wear to a wedding.
(Interesting coincidence: One of my favourite relatives was my Aunt Helen, whose middle name was Dorothy. How amazing is that??)

Isabella was dancing to the klezmer band with help from her dad, Adam.

This fountain was a very popular hub for the pups. Much diving and chasing of Frisbees and balls ensued.

A rare sighting of a dog in sandals. Nicely co-ordinated with her sundress, as you see.

Luke. What a lovely boy. I grew up with a series of Great Danes, and I love them. It's so great that these days these big beauties are allowed to wear their ears unmutilated by cropping.
Some local colour:

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