My last Saturday selling hats at the Market has come and gone. It was quite bittersweet, I must say. Weather was meh -- neither here nor there. My perennial tent neighbours, Judy Welch and Ian, were not there, so I couldn't say goodbye to them. Salome was, though, so that was comforting. She's such a blast -- funny, very kind and very talented. (Check her out: burfurtart)
As mentioned earlier, I decided to have a sale to go out in style (or perhaps so my customers could go out in style). Many hats found new homes with new customers -- people who have good heads on their shoulders. It was also great to see Gail again, who has bought two bespoke hats from me this season. She needed some fall hats, and scooped some great deals.
Next order of business is to work on new hats and head pieces for the holiday crafts shows. I'll be posting my schedule here soon. (Subscribe to my blog if you don't want to miss the announcement. See the sidebar at right.)
And without further ado, here's my photographic Market adieu:

Joanna, looking very cute in her own new bucket hat, which she chose along with a feathered headpiece.

Anne Marie chose this floral tapestry piece. Another excellent, complexion-flattering choice made.

Salome in her new bespoke purple bucket. She dressed for it, too! She also looks awesome in her new, sage green fedora. I'm always so honoured when someone with talent like hers chooses to wear one of my hats, and to lend her practised eye to help a customer choose one.

Peter, a.k.a. "Daddy's Little Monster," rocking a baby-sized Ivy cap. I like a dapper baby, don't you?

See those leaves back there? They're not getting any greener, you'll notice.

Having taken possession of my please-pay-attention-to-my-sale balloons, Salome bids us a forlorn farewell.