As I said last time, I wasn't selling hats last weekend. My partner Scott and I did come to St. Lawrence Market anyway, to see what we were missing and to shop. We weren't missing anything. The weather was awful. The North Market was a virtual bowling alley. Very few farmers came in for the day. Only two brave souls selling their crafts under tarpaulins outside, trying not to be blown away by the winds. (Pathetic fallacy, anyone?) The South Market seemed quieter than usual, too. The liquor store on the corner was boarded up, but the bank wasn't, after all.
But last Saturday was very nice, indeed. We had our tent neighbour, Judy Welch, the model agent par excellence in her day, tell us about the time she met Elvis Presley. Lots of lovely people came by, like Judith, who had me make a custom linen trilby for her, and graciously allowed me to trim it as I saw fit. So I did. She loves it and it loves her. A few more hats found their forever homes, both locally and internationally. I thank their new "mothers".

Trilby, trim-view.

Cheryl. She looked great in this one.

Gisele, in another trilby.

Helen and her new hat, which is preparing to enjoy life in Liverpool. Thankfully it's a big Beatles fan.

The lovely Ailish and Shannon, gracing well-chosen hair ornaments.
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