Tuesday, 19 January 2016

So Vicky

The first client of last year was the last one I heard from. Our story took about a year to unfold.

Vicky was the first bride-to-be who came to see me last January. She was getting married in July. (Oodles of lead time - my favourite!) She and her sweetie had decided that a city hall wedding was what they truly wanted, and artisan suppliers who they felt a connection with. She remembered me from one encounter, more than a year before, at my St. Lawrence Market stall. Vicky is ebullient, warm, funny and quirky. I loved her energy, and I knew I was going to love working with her.

Playing with my Queen's Plate hat.

Vicky had chosen a lovely dress, and she would be wearing an exquisite necklace - an heirloom traditionally worn by all new brides of her fiance's family.


And to shake things up, a pair of wicked Fluevog shoes.
A party on her feet!

We did what we do here, played with samples and elements until we had a kinda/sorta plan for what she wanted to wear on her head on her wedding day.


The heirloom necklace was so enchanting to me that I wanted her peau de soir rose to complement it, and her dress.

Her shoes would march to their own drummer.

I stretched my repertoire making elements that satisfied Vicky's vision. Her polite determination (and reluctance to wear leaves that reminded her of claws) challenged my skills, which ultimately rose to the occasion. Because I hate to disappoint.

Vicky picked up her completed piece in May. Her wedding was in July. I could certainly wait that long to see the photos she so kindly promised me. That's just par for the course.

But not so fast. It seems her wedding photographer was having some computer trouble and the photos were long overdue. At least she hadn't forgotten about me.

Fast forward to the new year. I opened my email recently to find Vicky's wedding photos, at long last! "...I finally got the pictures. You are actually the first one to see them..."

The pictures, by AnniaVee Photo are gorgeous. Worth the wait. I hope you'll agree.

In a cold January, what a delight to be reminded of summer, and love, and fun, and new beginnings. And why I love making bridal millinery. Thanks, Vicky!