The ayes have it. Two out of two people agree that the fedoras look better with hat bands. Here they are, for your delectation.
Joining them are my new bucket hats in three different colours and sizes, which may be difficult to properly see here, so I'll just tell you that from left to right they are black, purple/plum and brown. They are fleshing out my craft sale offerings this season, which got off to a rainy start in Hamilton last weekend. Here's where else I'll be, so far:
Saturday, Nov. 29: Bennington Heights Public School Craft Show/Sale, 76 Bennington Heights Drive (Bayview and Moore), 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 7: The Sassy Little Christmas Craft Show, The Victory Cafe, 581 Markham Street (behind Honest Ed's), 7 p.m. - midnight (with cocktails! Wee!)
Saturday, Dec. 13: The Artisans' Gift Fair, the Tranzac Club, 282 Brunswick Avenue (at Bloor), noon - 6 p.m.
Please come by, say hello and play a little dress-up at my display. I thank you.
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