Saturday, 21 September 2013

Absence Alert

It's raining today, so I won't be at my St. Lawrence Market display. For some reason, people don't like trying on damp hats. Go figure.

Back next Saturday. Weather permitting.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Seeing Spots

Have you ever noticed how your day can have a leitmotif? A theme or subject that keeps popping up that makes you take notice, no matter how random or quirky? Or maybe it's just me.
Last Saturday at a spot to be seen, I was seeing spots.

St. Lawrence Market is a meeting place, a hub of activity right downtown, and gosh darn it, the best dang market in the world, according to National Geographic. (The Market has popular T-shirts reiterating this.) At this spot in which to be seen, I kept seeing dots and blobs and spots all over the place.

It started with my own socks, followed closely by my tent neighbour's awesomely hand painted jeans

then a little girl's leggings

then a needle felt mobile from the awesomely-jeaned neighbour

then my own work

What's the significance of this phenomenon? Only the universe knows, and it's not telling.

In other news, the big yellow dot in the sky was shining forth that day, and the temperature was very pleasant. People were out and feeling fine. It was my End of Summer sale, and smart hat shoppers were getting some great bargains.

Maria is taking this pink linen trilby traveling somewhere warm and exotic. So many of my hats become globetrotters.

Jannet Ann liked the pinstripes and Macintosh-y rose cutouts so much she had to have it.

Helen was going to a Gatsby party, so she snapped up one of my Gatsby fascinators. Her friend is Iza, a very sweet seven-year-old Havanese and the daily dog.

Dog break!

Lily! She's a 7-month-old Italian greyhound. Most non-Italian greyhounds seem shy and reserved, but Lily was vivace.

Amid the shadows.

Didn't meet this pair, but couldn't resist taking a picture. Bet I can guess who's the boss between the two of them.

Also ran into one of my favourite neighbours -- Henry, a long-haired Dachshund. He was there with his charming family but spared some kisses for me, which always makes my day.

Okay, dog break is over. Back to actual customers.

Heather wasn't the only one to snap up one of my fabulous sea grass caps, but she was the only one to agree to be snapped doing it. Still my proudest invention of the summer.

And finally, "Natural Wonder" has found its forever home, with Jane. She loves it, and it loves her back. I'm glad they found each other and hope that Jane will get to wear it on many happy occasions for a long time to come.

So that was the hat sale, Day One. Thank you so much to everyone who made my day an excellent one!

I still have some summer hats and caps left, so the sale will continue this Saturday, weather permitting. Tell your friends. Or better yet, bring them yourself!


Thursday, 12 September 2013


I'm having an End of Summer Sale this Saturday! Please come and relieve me of leftover summer hats and caps, at umpteen percent off!

Seriously, one-of-a-kind hats and caps, made with love by me for you, at wonderful prices!

Rain date Saturday, September 21.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Morris Code

It's been pretty quiet at St. Lawrence Market lately, frankly. Almost nothing happened on August 24. Everyone was probably at Busker Fest, which had moved to Yonge Street after ten years at the Market, or the Ex.

The Saturday of Labour Day weekend had some unsettled weather, so that's what we told ourselves and each other was the reason for the lacklustre turnout. Even the farmers inside the ever-popular weekly farmers' market took too much of their produce home with them. Which is just wrong, people.

The highlight of my day was the visit to my table by the indispensable Scott's family. His brother Chris and Chris's wife, Wendy, were visiting from their home in California, staying with Scott's sister, Kathy, and her husband, Chris. (Yup, two Chrises. We're glad they have different last names.) The whole lot of them came by to say hi. Salome took pictures of us. (Ironically, Scott wasn't there at time.)
From the left: Wendy, me, Chris (Scott's brother), Chris (Kathy's husband)and Kathy.

The photographer, saucy in her outrageous hair and apposite felt leaves band:

In other news, it was Sticky Toffee's tenth birthday on August 25. He's the Yorkie-Maltese cross with the extensive wardrobe, his own website, and amusing and engaging "mother," who ferries him about in style on her motorized scooter to meet and greet his numerous fans.

He doesn't look a day over nine.

Across the street a lone busker was serenading us with nostalgic Beatles songs on his saxophone. Very pleasant soundtrack.

I showed an awesome new fascinator in reds and purple for the first time, using scraps of richly embellished fabric:

Isn't it pretty?

I did get a few sales. This is Maggie in her new peachy band:

Thank you, Maggie!

Morris people were on the march again. It was a Morris Ale event. Morris + ale = colourful fun!

So that was the day that was. I wasn't at the Market yesterday, because I had another commitment, but what a good day to miss! It was rainy all day. So thanks, Universe!

Friday, 6 September 2013

Green Hat Wins White Ribbon!

Well, it would have, had this been an equestrian event, and Green Hat was a horse's name. But as it was an online millinery competition, it just means that my entry came in third. All I win is bragging rights, and the satisfaction of knowing that I did my best and didn't come in last in the very first millinery competition I ever entered!

Thank you to everyone who voted for my hat!

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Made It to Round Two!

Thanks to my friends and blog readers, my entry in the Facebook sinamay hat competition has made it to he second round of voting! It continues through next Thursday, September 5. You can vote once a day, using the link below. (If you have an online calendar, how about using it to make daily voting with the link a no-brainer?)

Competition's heating up, and I can use all the help I can get.

I would dearly love to win the first little millinery competition I ever entered. It would be so encouraging.

Thank you for your votes and patience about the reminders!