Have I mentioned lately how awesome it is to have loyal customers and clients?
Last weekend, Jessica flew in from Hawaii to buy some of my new head bands.
(Okay, so her family lives in the GTA. They may have had a little something to do with her visit, too. But I like my spin.)
Jessica and her mother first came across my hatty display at St. Lawrence Market last summer, where Jessica fell in love with my raffia braid disk bands. Just the thing for her beachy lifestyle, she likes their casual vibe, the way the silk band cover blends in with her hair, and the way the bands cozy up to her sleek head without a lot of "loft". She also likes the compliments she gets whenever she wears them.
And so do I! What else am I doing this for?
Jessica likes these bands so much that she ordered one through the mail last summer, after her return to Hawaii. That's a story unto itself, and you can read about it here. She also likes that I will tweak designs-in-progress to suit her, making them true collaborations. (So can you! Try it, it's fun!)
When she emailed me about her upcoming visit, I created a small selection of "beachy bands" with her in mind. She and her charming mother braved their way from north of the city to my home showroom (a grand name for a re-purposed spare bedroom) on a chilly, so-not-Hawaii-ish day. We had a brief but delightful visit, during which Jess chose three new bands for herself, plus one as a gift for her sister.

Circles of braided natural raffia with distressed sequins

Tea stained raffia braid with distressed sequins

Green dyed raffia braid circles
See how well they suit her?
Now, of course, when I make this kind of band, I always think of Jess. I've never named a line of products before, but it seems only fitting that I start with this one.
Introducing.... the Jess Line!

Braided raffia with distressed sequins

Lace and seagrass

Vintage lace and distressed sequins

Lace braid daisy
Contact me if you would like more information about prices, availability, etc. Or just to say hi! I'm friendly and don't bite.