Sunday, 27 May 2012

A Memorable Memorial Weekend

Well, that was a fast month!  Already it's the last weekend in May, Memorial Day weekend for our American friends, many of whom visited St. Lawrence Market on Saturday.  The weather was as wonderfully obliging as it has been every Saturday this month  (praise be to a kind universe!).

Once again there was a dearth of buskers.  (Did I jinx them when I posted earlier this month that every day was Buskerfest at the Market? Maybe I don't know my own power...)  Someone said the Lemonbucket Orkestra has in fact busked their way to Romania now.  Godspeed to them.

There is also a dearth of water in the fountain.  The dogs, kids and even pigeons look quite forlorn about this.  I hope it will come back soon, and isn't a victim of municipal belt-tightening.  That would be sad.  I think I benefit from all the negative ions charging about when it's going.  I certainly love watching the pooches and kids cavorting in it.

But mostly it's all bounteous at the Market these days.  The farmers' market next to us is jammed with deliciousness.  Asparagus is in!  And strawberries are arriving in fits and starts.  Can't wait until the haricots verts get here.

I digress...

Many visitors graced my table on Saturday, played dress-up and left with a new hat or hair toy.  It's wedding season, after all.  I have a commission to make a fascinator for someone who is going to seven of them this summer, including her own!  But not everyone needs a special occasion to wear feathers in her hair.  I love that kind of joie de vivre. Sideeka finally decided she had to have the brown creased sinamay beret with the peacock trim that she modeled in last week's post.  They make a very attractive pair.

On with this week's fashion parade:

Shannon, right, in her new lacey fascinator, and a friend.

Holly looking lovely modeling this little number.

A bevy of American beauties:  Valorie, Natalie and Erin.  Erin bought the wide-brimmed linen hat she's wearing.

Becky in her new wide-brimmed linen chapeau, and Andrea.

Monique fell hard and fast for this sculpted creation, which has been patiently waiting for her to make it her own.  Which it now is.  Love that happy smile!

It's Charlotte!  She likes it!  But she needs to come back when she's a little bit less little.  What a cutie pie!

Liz looks lovely in her ethereal new beaded aqua band.  
Caroll put this on and exclaimed, "Oh, I love it!"  And why not?  Her new fascinator looks fabulous with those red framed glasses.  And she walked off wearing it.  My kind of gal!  Thanks, Caroll! 

Thank you one and all for another great weekend! 


Monday, 21 May 2012

Victorious Day

It's the Victoria Day long weekend here in Canada, the unofficial launch of summer.  The weather has been absolutely gorgeous, as if it was really getting into the spirit of the season!

St. Lawrence Market on Saturday was bustling.  Throngs of people strolling about, enjoying the scene.  Tour buses brought fresh recruits on a regular basis.  I don't know if I've ever seen it so busy, outside of Buskerfest or Woofstock, two crowd-pleasing events on the Market's summer schedule.

Strangely, it was busker-free this time, yet it took me half the day to notice this.  They're mostly quite enjoyable, but it was a pleasant change to not have to yell at people just to be heard above the playing.  Who knows, maybe the Lemonbucket Orkestra is on their way to Romania now.  (Two of my hats are going to be spending part of their year in Italy from now on.  Once again, my hats do more traveling than I do.  Sigh... )

Lots of lovely people came by my hat display, I'm happy to report, and many left with new chapeaux.  So on with the sheau!  (Yes, yes, Spellcheck, leave me alone...)

 Just look at them all!  These are views of the massed hordes from beside and through the tent I share with three other vendors.

Caitlyn in her lovely new hair band.  She likes her some pink.

Helene tried a few hats, but kept coming back to this one.  We'll call it her starter hat and hope to see her again soon.
Lovely Mariana in her new organza cluster band and  a smile that could light up a room.

Pat admired the fascinator I was wearing and I admired her necklace.
Phyllis rocking her new straw braid band.  That's me reflected in her sunglasses taking her picture.
Rae in her new hat...
...and in her new cap.  Thanks, Rae! (If you see this, please email me.  I can't read your email address to send you these photos.)

Sideeka was admiring this sinamay piece last week and came by again.  Stay tuned!
I heard this man saying that his dog loves children and wants to protect them.  What a happy pooch, enjoying the love from his fans.
Still happy.
This adorable guy spent some time next to my table.  Very gentle and sweet.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012



When I'm not making hats, I'm often admiring shoes.  Like this one.  Sigh...
Okay, I'd rather look at it than wear it.  My feet are not masochists.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Spring Has Sprung And So Have I

The beginning of May means the tents are back up next to the North Market building, and so am I.  Thus beginneth my fourth season selling my hats outside St. Lawrence Market in downtown Toronto.  Did you know that National Geographic voted it the best farmers' market in the world?  Imagine that!  I am happy and proud to shamelessly latch onto whatever lustre proximity affords me, and to contribute my own, such as it is.

(Oif, what a sentence.  Please forgive me.)

The last two Saturdays have seen lovely weather.  Yesterday especially was simply gorgeous.  It's great to see my crafty friends again, like Salome, sassy queen of jewelry makers, and Roberto and Stephen, the photographers.  And Maria and France and Marjorie and Sky and Mark and on and on.

The season got off to an auspicious start.  It's always so encouraging to sell something right away, especially a new design.  Thanks to Kathy, I did just that.  The rest of the first day was fine, and the second Saturday was really great!  Let's hope the weather co-operates for the rest of the season.  Rather important when you work outside and your merchandise is textile.

On with the photos:

Salome looms large amongst craft vendors of the north Market.

Kathy, first customer of the year, in her new pink Trilby.  I dyed it myself.  I could dye for you, too.

The Lemonbucket Orkestra, klezmer-ing it up for money to travel to Romania.  Very fun and very loud.  

The Samba Squad, making their way east along Front Street.  Every day is Buskerfest at St. Lawrence Market.
First wedding party photo of the season.  Such pretty colours!

Roberto in the hat I made for him.

Pat Taylor, first customer of May 12.

Christine, in one of her two new hats.

Leelee playing dressup.

And along came Linda Chamberlain, trainee clown, teacher of bongos to the young, and lover of pink.  I suggested she might like this pink organza hairband and she agreed.  I further suggested she might feel an affinity for this pink Trilby, and she further agreed.  Then she went in search of the lady clown pictured above.  I hope they found one another.  Thanks, Linda!  

Friday, 4 May 2012

Roberto's Hat

Last winter I made a grey felt fedora for my friend Roberto Riveros, a photographer who sells his framed prints of local landmarks at St. Lawrence Market.  He just sent me a long-promised photo of it.  The animation almost makes up for the fact that he's not posing in it.  So does the fact that it's now part of his website's masthead.  Okay, I'm flattered!