So yes, I'm still here. Sorry to have been away so long. I have been working away, though. My showroom-to-be (STB) wall is filling up with colourful new hats. I have a new design or two, too. All will be revealed at my first show of the season, and I quote:
Please join us at The Heintzman House for our Fabulous Boutique Sale
On Saturday, May 1st, 2010
10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Admission $2
Exquisite jewellery, fashion accessories, fashion show, mini makeovers and massage, and much, much more from top quality vendors.
Here endeth the quote.
The $2 admission goes toward keeping the Heintzman House in good nick. It's an historic property in Thornhill, the earliest mud (adobe) house in the province. Their website indicates that it's quite beautiful, a lovely place for weddings, etc. I'm really looking forward to seeing it. I love historical houses.
They're having complimentary nibblies and a fashion show. Speaking of which...
Fashion Week

...I was invited to a Fashion Week show! David Dunkley, of KC's Hats, to whom I lend my petits mains on a regular basis, once again provided the millinery accoutrements for Pat McDonagh, the grande dame of Canadian fashion who designed the military style coat Michaelle Jean wore to greet President Obama shortly after his inauguration. The coat was very popular, and her fall/winter 2010 collection was all over it. David kindly invited me to the show. It was a Cinderella-ish moment (and I do mean moment; those shows are short!) and I had a lovely, brief time.
My old classmate Jorge was there. He's quite the scenester, it seems. Here's what he wore when I saw him:

My costume was rather more conservative, I'm afraid. I was even too shy to wear my latest frippery, which would have gone perfectly with my ensemble: The Garlic Pasta and Kale headpiece! Silk "pasta", rayon "kale" and gold bead "garlic". It's what's for dinner chez moi, quite frequently.

What an occasion to not check the batteries in my camera. As a result, I can only show you the sign that was on my chair. They spelled it correctly! I had to save it. Who knows when my name will be on another chair at Fashion Week?
I really liked the collection, personally. And I learn that the creator of the necklaces will be at the Heitzman House show! What a small, tangled world.