Sunday, 19 April 2009

I'm Still Here!

...and I'm still making hats. Currently I'm approaching the end of Theatrical Millinery, the final course requirement for my millinery certificate. The course began in January. Many friends from the first two courses in the class, and some wonderfully talented new faces. Including our teacher, Amanda Farquharson, who worked in the millinery department at the Stratford Festival (all bow down and worship). Amanda has bravely stepped into the breach created by the departure of the previous theatrical millinery teacher, and we're glad she did. Amanda also makes puppets! How cool is that?

Anyhoo, the course has kept me very busy, as they always do, so I haven't been photographing any spring hats. I've made some, though, and I'll show you pics as soon as I can.

In the meantime, my Balenciaga-ish hat (rear view) can be seen in the window of Studio 998, 998 Bathurst.