Friday, 19 December 2008


It's a Hombergian crown with a fedoracious brim. It's a Homdora!

See, I can make hats for men, too. But having seen it modeled by both genders, I can attest to its being, um, ambidextrous.

Thursday, 18 December 2008


I just learned that my "Contact Me" email link never worked properly! Oh, the guilt, the guilt! If you've ever tried to email me from this blog before and were stunned by my rude lack of response, I apologize most humbly. I wasn't rude, I was just mired in ignorance. Anyway, I believe I've fixed it now. Emailing myself works wonderfully well. Here, try it yourself, just for fun: email me! I promise I'll answer!

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Alternative Media

Cashmere. The bathroom kind. Yup, toilet paper. Well, if Thien Le, Evan Biddell et al can make grand ballgowns out of the stuff, why not?

Would I do it again? Maybe not. Maybe in silk, though, for a bride...

Front view photo courtesy of Tierre Taylor.