Salomé's 4th annual burfurtART sale came and went last Sunday.
She and her fab family live in a co-op building downtown, walking distance to practically everything. Since it's a co-op, the neighbours get to know each other more than they might do in a conventional apartment building. It's a really nice vibe there.
So it was great to hang out in the big, bright party room, stuffing my face with nummy nibblies we (mostly she) had provided and gossiping with her friends. Many of them looked familiar from stopping by Salomé's table, next to mine, during the summers at St. Lawrence Market.
We played dress-up. We munched and crunched. (Lots of lovely raw veggies, among other treats, and a fabulous dip with smoked paprika. Must get that recipe... ) We tested our core strength.
There we were, a handful of women slowly lowing ourselves to the floor by doing what amounted to a large plié with our feet crossed and our arms making a big circle in front of us. Of course, that's the moment unsuspecting male persons passed by the full-length window facing the hallway outside and saw our impromptu performance.
So it was a bonding moment. I say, you don't really know someone until you have tested your core strength with them while being witnessed by passersby.
It was a small turnout, but it was high quality. And lots of leftovers to take home! Score!
And a shout-out to Justin and Hunter. Hope to be hearing from you guys! Thanks for the nice chats!
And to Sarah! Thanks for coming!
Herewith the photographic souvenirs:

Patricia's new spring hat makes her very happy. As it should.

Adriana is one savvy shopper, I can tell you. I won't tell you where she got this amazing Teenflo coat that looks so very wonderful on her. And I had just the hat for her from my new spring collection, also at a fantastic low price for this one day only. If you snoozed, you losed. (Yes, spellcheck, yes, I know it's not a word...)

My table.

Salomé's tables, all Instagrammed, because that's how she rolls.
A "girl" festooned with Salomé's wonderful necklace, scarf and daughter's grade 8 (?) graduation dress.

Salomé's work table. She's either taking the picture or on the floor, testing her core strength. Pretty impressive, since she has pneumonia. What, didn't I mention that? She's on good meds, though. And yes, I still think she should have postponed the thing and stayed in bed.

And finally, me sewing, by Salomé the Instagram queen. Love that crazy arm.
She and her fab family live in a co-op building downtown, walking distance to practically everything. Since it's a co-op, the neighbours get to know each other more than they might do in a conventional apartment building. It's a really nice vibe there.
So it was great to hang out in the big, bright party room, stuffing my face with nummy nibblies we (mostly she) had provided and gossiping with her friends. Many of them looked familiar from stopping by Salomé's table, next to mine, during the summers at St. Lawrence Market.
We played dress-up. We munched and crunched. (Lots of lovely raw veggies, among other treats, and a fabulous dip with smoked paprika. Must get that recipe... ) We tested our core strength.
There we were, a handful of women slowly lowing ourselves to the floor by doing what amounted to a large plié with our feet crossed and our arms making a big circle in front of us. Of course, that's the moment unsuspecting male persons passed by the full-length window facing the hallway outside and saw our impromptu performance.
So it was a bonding moment. I say, you don't really know someone until you have tested your core strength with them while being witnessed by passersby.
It was a small turnout, but it was high quality. And lots of leftovers to take home! Score!
And a shout-out to Justin and Hunter. Hope to be hearing from you guys! Thanks for the nice chats!
And to Sarah! Thanks for coming!
Herewith the photographic souvenirs:

Patricia's new spring hat makes her very happy. As it should.

Adriana is one savvy shopper, I can tell you. I won't tell you where she got this amazing Teenflo coat that looks so very wonderful on her. And I had just the hat for her from my new spring collection, also at a fantastic low price for this one day only. If you snoozed, you losed. (Yes, spellcheck, yes, I know it's not a word...)

My table.

Salomé's tables, all Instagrammed, because that's how she rolls.

A "girl" festooned with Salomé's wonderful necklace, scarf and daughter's grade 8 (?) graduation dress.

Salomé's work table. She's either taking the picture or on the floor, testing her core strength. Pretty impressive, since she has pneumonia. What, didn't I mention that? She's on good meds, though. And yes, I still think she should have postponed the thing and stayed in bed.

And finally, me sewing, by Salomé the Instagram queen. Love that crazy arm.