Not surprisingly, there was a big crowd milling about on blocked-off Front Street. Families enjoying the free entertainment. I was mostly somewhat confined to my tent under the North Market eaves, so it was great that a steady stream of wandering buskers put on a variety of shows right in front of me. This was much more fun than last year, when the same entertainers put on the same shows in the same space several times a day. A Dado-like personage who "spoke" with a whistle amused and confounded with yo-yos, rope and juggling. A Japanese couple amused and confounded with unicycles. Pyromeo and Juliet played with love and fire. And so on.
What a day for my spare camera batteries to die. They had been recharged, really they had. Sadly, I only captured images of the first couple of acts.
On with the show!

Nadia, truly a gilded lily in her new black and gold feathered band.

Kira, pretty in pink. And butterflies!

My tent neighbour, the aptly named Jewel, modeling her new feathered band.

Jewel and her jewelry.
Maybe I should call myself Hattie?

The juggler!

Very funny unicyclist couple.

*Desk dictionary says yes, spell check says no. I'm going old school.